About Us

Who we are

The Livingstone Initiative, founded in 2011 as the David Livingstone Bicentenary and Livingstone 2013 Initiative, is run by a body of professionals working on a voluntary basis. The Trustees and members of the Advisory Council bring relevant experience and expertise to all our different projects.


Belinda Hodge is British and has lived in Livingstone, Zambia, for over 7 years. While she was in Africa, she set up The Livingstone 2013 Initiative to mark the bicentenary of Dr David Livingstone’s birth in a contemporary way. She has strong links with Africa and the UK and a proven track record in conceiving and organising third-world development projects and events. She also has considerable expertise in PR & marketing, engaging the media and working in partnership with the public/private sectors. Her experience is wide-ranging, relating to tourism, culture and the Arts: from the Olympics to the Smithsonian Institution; from small-scale local initiatives to international development projects, events and exhibitions. Belinda is a strong believer in the ethos that if we all work together we can create something far bigger than could be achieved by individual parts and it is this that has formed the basis of the Livingstone Initiative's success to date in Zambia.

Tricia Lancaster has been in education for over 30 years and has considerable experience in pastoral care and Child Protection. A graduate of Aberdeen University and Moray House College of Education in Edinburgh, Tricia taught English and moved into pastoral care, completing a post-graduate diploma in guidance and counselling. She recently retired as Deputy Head: Student Welfare & International Education at a leading independent school for girls in Edinburgh. She believes in the importance of a positive school ethos in helping young people to thrive in a challenging world.

David Ogilvie was born in Edinburgh in 1951, the son of a Gordon Highlander, and was educated at Ampleforth College in Yorkshire. After studying Medieval History at St Andrew’s University he qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Coopers & Lybrand (now PWC) in 1980 and then set up his own accountancy practice in Edinburgh, retiring in 2018. David specialised in family businesses, agricultural estates and trusts and is still involved in a number of local charities promoting riding for the disabled, community projects, sustainable food consumption, the reduction of plastic waste, the pilgrim routes to St Andrews and Scottish culture and heritage. He believes in supporting communities in a manner appropriate to each community and has been involved with The Livingstone Initiative since its inception

Advisory Council & Project Co-ordinators


Development, International Relations
PR, Marketing, Media & Evaluation

Belinda Hodge
Founder, Trustee and Chairman of The Livingstone Initiative. Founder & Chairman of The Livingstone 2013 Initiative in Zambia

Tricia Lancaster
Trustee, Retired Deputy Head, St George's School for Girls, Edinburgh

David Ogilvie

The Livingstone Zambia-Scotland Medical Exchange
Liaison for The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons Glasgow
Mr Peter Raine
Retired Consultant Paediatric Surgeon
Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons Glasgow

Linking Schools
The Bird Exchange of Art, Storytelling & Music
Ewan McVicar
Scottish Schools

Legal Advisor
Alan Gilfillan / Hugh Angus

Balfour & Manson, LLP, Edinburgh

Finance Advisor
Louise Presslie, CA

Whitelaw Wells, Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh


Zambian Government & Community Liaison
Tourism, Arts & Culture

Jocelyn Mutinta
Zambian Tourism Board

Building a Future
Tivwilane Foundation
St Mary's Secondary School for Girls, Chama
The Rev Father Jackson Jones Katete
Archdeacon, Anglican Diocese of Lusaka
Expert Adviser to the Tivwilane Foundation, former Director of the Anglican Street Children's Programme

The Livinstone Zambia-Scotland Medical Exchange
Dr John S Kachimba FCS (Urology), MMed (Surgery), MBChB, BSC
Senior Medical Superintendant, Livingstone Central Hospital

Linking Schools
The Bird Exchange of Art, Storytelling & Music
Cynthia Chisangano and Mutinta Musanda
The British Council Ambassador's Digital Internet Hub Livingstone
Zambian Schools

There is also a loose network of sub-committees on the ground in Zambia working on individual projects, cultural exchanges of information, events and international community development projects.