H.E. The British High Commissioner to Zambia, Mr James Thornton
Deputy British High Commissioner to Zambia, Mr Sean Melbourne
The British Council, Lusaka
African Impact
and The Happy Africa Foundation
British Airways operated by Comair
Distell SA
Ethiopian Airways
Father Katete
Hanakabamba Events & Fashions
JC Le Roux
Livingstone City Council
General Hospital
Livingstone International Cultural Arts Festival
Livingstone Museum
Livingstone Town Clerk, Mrs Vivian Chikoti
London School of Economics
Mahogany Air
National Arts Council
Italian Restaurant, Livingstone
Safari Par Excellence
The Anglican Street Children’s Programme
The Artshop, Lusaka
The British Council Ambassador’s Internet Hub, Livingstone
David Livingstone Safari Lodge & Spa
The Department of National Heritage
The Energy Regulation Board, Zambia
The Golden Leaf Restaurant, Livingstone
The Greens Restaurant, Livingstone
The Ministry
of Chiefs & Traditional Affairs
The Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Tourism & Arts
The National Museum Boards of Zambia
The UK Border Agency
The Zambezi
Waterfront Tongabezi & Livingstone Island
Vibrant Africa
Victoria Falls 24