We are pleased to report
that we have produced a good multiplyer effect whereby money kindly donated by you and others has been greatly increased thanks to the contribution of the local community and others in Zambia.
So, having raised £61,619 from donations in the UK, we have achieved works to the value of £167.997.
This has resulted from a huge investment by the local community surrounding the school and others within Zambia providing volunteer labour, plus making and firing all the bricks required for construction.
This local community commitment and investment ensures long-term sustainability for the school.
Add to this the Zambian government will be providing all the teachers, paying their salaries and paying for their accommodation once the school opens.
The local Chief has donated 750 hectares of land to the school which will become a substantial community asset and help with practical education for the girls managing agriculture.
We are therefore appealing for this further small amount of money, which will mean such a great deal to so many people.
If you can help us reach this goal, it will make an enormous difference to the lives of young girls in this remote, rural region of Zambia.
We are also pleased to report that we have recently received charitable status.
The Livingstone Initiative is a Scottish Charity, SC052972, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
Company No. SC552793 • Registered office: 5 Tweeddale Court, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE.
Thank you!